House description
Quiet, discreet, cultivated and elegant house with two sizes of the main family room and the kitchen. It is a single-storey building (a bungalow) and so are its characteristics: no villa hipped ends, no profiled roof tiles, no antiquated decorum, no effort to look „like a villa“. Gables, bricked slightly above the level of the roof are distinctively concluding the house, while saving your pocket – you simply don’t need to buy expensive border tiles. The tiles are smooth, without profile, and you can choose either Bramac Tegalit (concrete) or Tondach Figaro (ceramic). Thanks to the roof pitch of 30°, the house is suitable both for the city and the countryside.
It is ideal to orientate the entrance facade to the north, northwest or northeast, or, if necessary, from the east to the west. It fits perfectly also on a relatively narrow lot, with a width of 17,5 m (or 19 m for the bigger option).
Main highlights of the house layout
I am interested
Stylysh bungalow